Pharma Care eMAR uses patient specific barcoding coupled with original packs to automate the entire care home medication management and administration process, making it safe, simple and compliant for everyone involved.
Conatct Village pharmacy today about Pharma Care eMAR and you will always be ready for a CQC inspection.
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Pharma Care eMAR has many benefits including:
Pharma Care eMAR - making medication administration safe
Pharma Care eMAR - making medication administration simple
Pharma Care eMAR - making medication administration compliant
Pharma Care eMAR gives managers a complete picture of medication administration.
Each individual medication is identified through a patient specific barcode applied in pharmacy. It can then be tracked at all stages from checking in at the care home to administration or even when unused items are disposed of or returned to the pharmacy.
As well as making the medication administration process more efficient, Pharma Care eMAR also reduces medication administration errors, making the whole process safe, simple and compliant. CQC inspections are much easier with Pharma Care eMAR, providing peace of mind that all patient medication has been administered safely through easy to follow processes for all staff. Reliable data verifies that everyone receives the right medication and dose at the right time, every time.
Looking after your data
Our expert knowledge in this area means your data will always be managed and stored safely:
Case study
Situated in Leicester Cherrytree Care home chose to automate their medication management processes with Pharma Care eMAR in 2016 and the team there haven’t looked back since. Since introducing the system, staff have seen a number of benefits to safety, simplicity and compliance in their care home.
Cherytree prides itself on providing a high level of care to its 40 residents and the way they manage residents’ medication is no exception. Staff are now more confident as they make their drug rounds – safe in the knowledge that residents are getting the right medication at the right time. Following the initial training, the system is now part of their daily routine.
Home manager explained, “After the initial training, we all agreed that we should introduce Pharma Care eMAR across the entire group of homes as the benefits were clear to see.”
They quickly made significant savings on staff administration time, checking drugs in and management time in dealing with queries and CQC inspections. Home manager said, “Now we have Pharma Care eMAR I have everything I need at the touch of a button from up to the minute information on drug rounds to missed or refused medicines.”
Pharma Care eMAR has significantly cut the time the Home manager and the team spend checking in drugs when they arrive from the pharmacy thanks to how simple Pharma Care eMAR makes processing new drugs. The time it takes to process new drugs has been cut by around 50% - time that can now be spent with residents instead. Not only that, they are confident that they can be ready for any inspection quickly and accurately. Home manager added “We don’t have lots of paper MAR sheets to search through any more and I have a complete picture of medication management and administration 24 hours a day.”